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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Classroom Digs/Reveal!!

Hi everyone! Well...I've spent wayyyy too much time hoppin' around looking at all of your AH-MAZE-ING classroom digs.  I love to look at other teachers' classrooms...and boy, did I ever see some awesome ones with this linky!  As for me, I'm pretty much ready to go for Back to School Parent Night on Thursday...and just need some final touches for the first day with my kids on Tuesday!

Here's the view from my door...I still feel like I'm missing some fun things to hang from my first set of lights...I forgot to take a picture showing the back part of my room with my cubbies and writing area...but I have some fun Hollywood decor hanging from my back lights.
Here's where the kids walk in each morning and make their lunch choice, turn in homework and any notes to me, and check out our daily schedule!
Here's a picture of my library area...and my new READ letters! :)

I was SUPER excited to finally find one of these colored carts on BIG TIME SALE at Big Lots last month!  I had really been wanting one of those to hold all of my Daily 5 Word Work activities...but refused to pay over $50.00 for one...so when I saw it at Big Lots for $28...I couldn't pass it up! If you look closely I have some math manipulatives with new labels from Corinna, over at Surfin' Through Second!   My "highway" and "parking lot" will be where my kids self-assess  their own learning...my school is big time focusing on Formative Assessment.  Check out my Disco Ball!! I picked that up for 3 bucks at a garage sale last week! How fun!  We will definitely take advantage of that for some brain breaks!
Here's my little listening area...I was am loving my new CD holder that I got this year...and I found that little gem up on the wall at the garage sale too! I covered the mirror with dry erase paper  (not quite sure what I will write there...) and added little hooks where I will hang headphones. 
Here's my job wall...I STILL need to make a new popcorn holder because I have SO many kids this year...I need to add another job!
This is my favorite spot! My guided reading/small group work table and then of course...my desk area, please ignore the piles of clutter in the background...make sure to check out my AH-MAZE-ING quilt hanging from the ceiling!  Two years ago I was nominated for Outstanding Educator in my school and my FANTASTIC instructional aide, Jessica from over at McQueen of the Jungle, who JUST GOT HIRED TO TEACH FIRST GRADE IN MY SCHOOL (yay, yay, yay, yay!!!!) had my class make for me.  It's one of the most awesome things I have to remember my class that year! :)
Here's my board, almost ready for Back To School Night...and my calendar area.
Lastly, my hallway display...all ready for some Award Winning Work from my new second graders! :)

Well...there she is...with just a few more finishing touches...ready for a new year!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Hi everyone! I'm super excited because I am linking up for my first ever Made It Monday! 

 I know that it is the last one of summer...but it's a big one for me, since it's my first! So...I'm hoping I can do this correctly...if not, be patient with me!  

Made It # 1

 Here it is! My completely finished DIY dry erase table and milk crate stools!  I couldn't wait to make these once I saw them floating around Pinterest!  I actually made the stools last year, but the table was just finished recently, so I waited to share it all together! :)  I took my boring old round table from blah.....to WOW!  I went to Lowes (at the beginning of the year I sent a letter asking for classroom donations and they sent me a $25 gift card, super cool, right?) and got two pieces of white board material and then begged my dad to cut them into the half circle pieces.  I don't do power tools....yet!  Then I used heavy duty velcro and hot glue (too lazy to sew) to make my little table skirt! I. am. in. love. :)  I had plastic on my stools last year, but they got ruined from little shoes, and I honestly don't know if I'm going to buy more for this year or not...I'm thinking about changing my Hollywood theme next year...(Maybbbbbeee) anyway..so I would need to recover and redo it all anyway! 

Made It # 2
I just LOVED Hope's  Library Letter Display over at 2nd Grade Shenanigans .and while I was obsessed with her AWESOME, BRIGHT colors...they just wouldn't have fit with my Hollywood Theme...so here's what mine turned out like...pretty happy with them! I wish I had more room to display them...but this works for now!  Thanks for the easy tutorial Hope!

Made It # 3

I love Corrina's products from over at Surfin' Through Second! I came across her math manipulative labels and needed some custom ones for my classroom.  She responded to my email almost immediately and had my labels so fast! :) So how cute are these little gifts for my team?  While I liked Corinna's bags better...these were all I could find.  I stole some of her ideas in the bags..and added some of my own...if anyone knows me I'm obsessed with nail polish, so I put bright nail polish in them all (I work on an all ladies team) and was so excited to find neon Hello My Name Is...name tags in the Target Dollar Spot!  I added some bright colored hand soap and monogrammed magnetic lists.  I hope my teams loves them...I can't wait to give them to them on our work day next Monday!

Okay..I think that's it! I hope everyone is enjoying their first days back or last days of summer! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Countdown is On...Dun, Dun, Dun!

Hi all! Well the countdown is on...one week from today is our first Inservice...AND my Back to School Night. This also means I'm FREAKING OUT! Even though it's my 7th (gasp) year teaching, I never feel prepared to go back! Anyone else feel like this?  I ALWAYS say that I don't want to spend my last few days of summer in my classroom...SOOO I'm hoping that tomorrow and Friday I can finish up my classroom and enjoy my last few days in the sun!

On another note- I was super excited to find these babies at my dollar store yesterday!  Pencil flags! How fun! I even picked up a few packages for some of my teacher friends at school! I can't wait to save these for a special day...maybe one of those days where my kiddos just need a pick me up! 
Okay...well not too much more exciting...I am just trying to get the hang of playing around my awesome little blog and get used to posting. 

Last thing-so I had my very first student teacher this year and things couldn't have went better! :)  She was great...and I was so sad to see her leave.  She got a job in Virginia, I'm sure she's just going to LOVE IT! Anyway, I wanted to make her one of those AWESOME crayon wreaths that are floating around Pinterest.  So I gathered my supplies and got to work...it turned out perfect!  I couldn't wait to give it to her....well.....after a long day of Common Core Training, I was off to meet her for some Mexican and Margaritas...'ole!  So...crayon wreath + summer sun + stuck in car all day= MELTED CRAYON WREATH!  FAIL! 

Today I remade the wreath and Ta-Da...good as a new! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

How exciting! I get to claim my own blog for my new obsession, Bloglovin'! <a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/9993833/?claim=xpwqfkw3rwv">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
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Well, here I am! I  am so excited to be typing this RIGHT now!  I have been blog stalking soooo many amazing blogs for almost two years now.  With the help of one of my best teacher friends, Jessica, from over at McQueen of the Jungle,  I think I might as well dive right in! :) I know it's going to take me some time to get used to posting...and getting a hang of making everything super cute (like ALL the blogs I follow) so hang in there with me!  Okay...this is just a first, test post..so here goes nothin'!
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